14 March 2024

Signatory Impact Principles

We work in line with leading industry standards for ESG and impact measurement. We are committed to several initiatives such as the Operating Principles for Impact Management.

A set of nine Impact Principles provides investors with a framework for the design and implementation of their impact management systems, ensuring that impact considerations are integrated throughout the investment lifecycle. They may be implemented through different types of systems, each of which can be designed to fit the needs of an individual organization. 

Each Signatory of the Impact Principles is required to publish an annual Disclosure Statement in which they describe how each Principle is incorporated into its investment process and the alignment of its impact management system and processes with each Principle. In addition to the annual Disclosure Statement, Principle 9 requires that each Signatory provide regular independent verification affirming the alignment of its impact management systems with the Impact Principles. 

On this page, you can read our annual Disclosure Statement and Independent Verification.
